Energy in general

Výběr článků dle roku: 2023 2022 2021

24. 1. 2023

Plan and targets in 2023

Czech Nuclear Association within its Shareholders Meeting discussed the plan of actions and targets for the year 2023.  Czech Nuclear Association will be still interested mainly in nuclear power in this year, but not only that. We consider power industry, energy mix and its parts as the dynamic, interconnected organism of the highest national interest. […]

13. 5. 2022

Start-up of NPP Mochovce 3 should be this year

The new Slovak unit of NPP Mochovce 3 is to be launched and generate electricity this year. The fourth unit will follow in 2023. Commissioning is standardly divided into physical and energy start-up. The start-up time schedule results from the energy security report issued by the Ministry of Economy. Start-up of NPP Mochovce 3 The […]

1. 9. 2021

World Nuclear Association Performance Report 2021

The World Nuclear Association Performance Report 2021 is now published by World Nuclear Association. Report summarizes the performance of the global nuclear fleet in 2020 in the context of historical data. Document also analyzes data from the Power Reactor Information Service database operated by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Nuclear production of carbon-free electricity In […]

19. 8. 2021

Hydrogen production at Nine Mile Point

A containerised Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyser is to be installed at Exelon Generation’s Nine Mile Point nuclear power plant in New York State as part of a hydrogen production demonstration project. The unit will supply hydrogen for the plant’s turbine cooling and chemistry control. Introduction Nel ASA launched the MC250 and MC500 containerised PEM electrolysers […]

14. 7. 2021

ACP100 the first commercial modular reactor is under construction

China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC)‘s multi-purpose small modular reactor (SMR) demonstration project began construction at Changjiang Nuclear Power Plant in South China’s Hainan Province on July 13. This project became the world’s first commercial onshore SMR ACP100 Design The ACP100 small modular reactor in Changjiang, Hainan Province is a multi-purpose pressurized water reactor. Also known as Linglong […]

7. 6. 2021

Nuclear must be part of global climate solution

Nuclear energy should become part of a global low-carbon technological platform that would help ensure all countries in the world achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development and climate solution Goals by 2050, Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachov told delegates at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum last week. On June 4, 2021, a conference called […]

3. 6. 2021

Barclays highlights role of nuclear in net zero

Nuclear energy’s high load factors and reliability could make achieving net-zero affordable, according to a special report published yesterday by Barclays. Nuclear is “safer than commonly assumed”, while new technology and further research could make it even cleaner, safer and cheaper, it says, “paving the way for a greater contribution to the global energy transition”. […]

3. 6. 2021

BWRX-300 – Report highlights economic benefits of Canadian SMR deployment

PwC Canada has estimated in an independent report commissioned by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH). The construction of the first BWRX-300 small modular reactor (SMR) in Ontario will generate about CAD2.3 billion (USD1.9 billion) in GDP, CAD1.9 billion in labour income and more than CAD750 million in federal, provincial and municipal tax revenue.  Outlook for […]

2. 6. 2021

Nuclear societies call for COP26 to support nuclear to meet the “Net-Zero”

Over 100 nuclear societies around the globe have called for world leaders to “follow the science”. And recognize that nuclear energy output must at least double by 2050 to meet global net-zero targets. The call comes ahead of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). The conference being held in Glasgow from 1-12 November […]

21. 5. 2021

Nuclear stands out for clean hydrogen, says French parliamentary report

Only nuclear energy and hydropower present the double advantage of being controllable and carbon-free. According to a report on hydrogen production published by the French Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Technological Assessment (OPECST). To produce clean hydrogen on a global scale, 400 GW of nuclear capacity would be needed, it says. Commission findings Members of OPECST, appointed so […]

17. 5. 2021

UK SMR to start regulatory process this autumn

The UK SMR consortium, led by Rolls-Royce, has announced the latest design and an increase in power – from 440 MW to 470 MW – of its “compact” nuclear power station. The “refreshed design” features a faceted aesthetic roof, an earth embankment surrounding the power station to integrate with the surrounding landscape; and a more […]

6. 5. 2021

Nuclear power plant easily and quickly

For non-experts, we enclose very nicely crafted instructional videos of how selected parts of nuclear power plants work. The nuclear power plant consists of many operating, safety and protection systems that ensure its safe operation. The basic mission of a nuclear power plant is the production of electricity and heat. A nuclear power plant is a […]

4. 5. 2021

Foratom highlights nuclear’s role in EU hydrogen strategy

Nuclear provides a perfect solution for the generation of large quantities of low-carbon and affordable hydrogen, the Foratom said today in a position paper. This will be key as Europe aims to transform all parts of its economy, including transport and industry. The EU’s hydrogen strategy does not mention nuclear energy as an energy source […]

24. 4. 2021

The US Department of Energy is planning to build a microreactor

The US Department of Energy (DOE) is planning to build a microreactor. Its RD&D activities should help researchers and end-users understand how microreactors can be integrated with other technologies. Microreactor Applications Research Validation and EvaLuation (MARVEL) liquid-metal cooled microreactor could be operational within three years. What is Microreactor Small modular reactors (SMRs) have been and […]

22. 4. 2021

Nuclear to be included in Delegated Act of EU taxonomy

The European Commission today announced its decision to include nuclear energy in a complementary Delegated Act of the EU Taxonomy Regulation. The decision follows the recent publication of the Joint Research Centre’s report confirming nuclear as sustainable source.  Assessment of EU Taxonomy “In line with the legal framework and our past commitments, the Commission will […]

14. 4. 2021

We become a member of the World Nuclear Association

Finally we officially become member of the World Nuclear. We believe that the cooperation will bring us not only the latest information in the field of nuclear energy in the form of new trends, interests and goals. But also the direction and preparation of transnational policies in which we can also participate. Membership in the […]

9. 4. 2021

Nuclear energy can move forward to supported sources

The nuclear industry on 29.3.2021 called on the European Commission to expedite the inclusion of nuclear energy in the EU Taxonomy on Sustainable Finance. Following a comprehensive assessment that nuclear energy does no more harm to human health or the environment than any other power-producing technology considered to be sustainable. The report, which is marked […]

31. 3. 2021

Nuclear already plays key role in decarbonisation

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi today outlined three ways that nuclear power facilitates efforts towards net-zero emissions. Speaking to delegates at the IEA-COP26 Net Zero Summit, Grossi said nuclear energy is a longstanding source of low-carbon electricity, has innovative solutions for further decarbonisation, and it enables renewable energy to be […]

25. 3. 2021

7 EU leaders urge support of nuclear

The leaders of seven European Union Member States have written to the European Commission on the support of nuclear power in EU climate and energy policy. The full text of the 19 March letter – which was addressed to Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans, executive vice-president, Mairead McGuinness, commissioner […]

22. 1. 2021

ČEZ started security assessment of Dukovany potential bidders

Dukovany II Power Plant, part of CEZ Group, yesterday invited three potential participants of Dukovany tender in the security assessment. The letter is the official start of a safety assessment by EDF, Westinghouse and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power. These are potential new units suppliers selected by the Ministry of Industry and Trade to participate in the pre-qualification round. […]